Squirrel loan app Review : Squirrel loan app Real or fake ?
Squirrel loan app Review : Squirrel loan app is 7 day loan app & Squirrel loan is unauthorised loan app because they give very high rate of interest loan. Squirrel loan app hack Your Data when you apply on this,Today I will tell You About This loan app Genuine Details like Actual tenure ,rates of interest , NBFC, hidden charges all things related to this loan app

Squirrel loan app : Basic Features
- Squirrel loan app loan amount from 2000₹ to 30,000₹
- Plateform fees 3% of loan amount which Very High
- Squirrel loan app Play Store download is more than 100k+ and 4.1 Rating
- most of the download ,Rating and Review is Gained by advertising and Third party app
- Squirrel loan app interest rates from 16% to 28% according to Play Store About Section
- Squirrel loan app repayment Period from 91 day to 365 days but in Reality they Give only 7 day loan tenure
- They can call in Your Contact list if you fail in Rapayment so don’t apply
Squirrel loan app Eligibility & Documents
- Applicants must have a Indian National✔
- applicants must over 18 year old
- Applicants must have valid Aadhar Card for Address Proof
- Applicants must have Pan card for CIBIL SCORE
- Active Bank account For Disbursement of loan amount
- Monthly Source of income
Is Squirrel loan app Real or Fake ?
According to me squirrel loan app is a fake loan app because it gives only 7 days loan app and according to Google policy any loan which gives loan in Play Store tenure never less than 62 days and annual rate of interest more than 36% because squirrel loan app don’t follow any guide line of Google Play Store that’s why this is unauthorised loan app please don’t take loan from this loan app
Can Squirrel loan app Hack Our Contact list ?
Can squirrel loan app Hack yiur contact list ? the answer is yes because Squarrel loan app 7 days loan app and any seven days loan app can hack your data and defaming you by calling your contact list and family member so don’t take any loan from 7 days loan app if you wanna feel safe secure and without harassment don’t take loan from