RupayeKey loan app Review ,RupayeKey Loan Real or Fake?
Rupayekey loan app Review : It is Fake type of loan app they Will Give only 7 day loan and Charge Very High Interest Rates Don’t Apply If You want to take loan from NBFC Registered loan app Click for NBFC Registered loan app RupayeKey loan app may hack Your Personal data like Your Contact list and others Details

RupayeKey loan Basic Details : RupayeKey Real or Fake
- RupayeKey loan has 100k+ Download And 4.5 Star Rating Which is Given by Fake users
- RupayeKey loan app is 7 day loan app
- According to about Section : Minimum loan amount 5000 and Maximum loan amount 30,000
- RupayeKey loan app NBFC : Gaganbase Vincom Pvt Ltd but this NBFC not verified by us
- RupayeKey loan is 14% interest rate but actually they charge very high interest rates
- No hidden fees, transparent and clear fees
- Rupayekey is Fake loan app
Rupayekey loan app Eligibility : Documentation
- Aadhar Card and Pan Card Required
- Applicants Age must be more than 20 year old
- Employed with stable Source of income
- Citizen of india
Rupayekey loan app Customer Reviews

- After watching Customer Reviews it is clear that they Give only Small loan amount For 7 day and most of the Case they don’t give any loan only collect Personal data
- They will threat you and hack your contact list
- RupayeKey charge more than 40%- 50% of loan amounts
RupayeKey loan app complaint kaise kare ?
- You Should File a Complaints in Cyber crime online
- If You Fall in trap of loan app after watching Ads then You Should File complain in Consumer Forum
- Also you can file complaint in Nearest Police Stations