RingLine Loan App Real or Fake : RingLine App Review

Hi guys if you want to know about ring line loan application so I wanted to tell you that this application is totally fraud application and this application will ask for 449 rupees as well as 299 as a service charge after getting this money then never give loan. Ring line loan application is totally scam application and froad applications don’t install this applications otherwise they take your personal data as well as your money

RingLine Loan App Scam Burst

look it that they are asking money for the name of first time transaction fees don’t pay a single penny and because they never give money

Know the Reality of RingLine Loan App

watch the reality of ringline loan app

What Can I Do If I paid : क्या करे अगर हमने पैसे भर दिए

if you paid service charge then you need to complain on cyber crime department so that they will block this loan app and as well as you need file complain on play store

अगर दोस्तों आपने भी पैसे दे दिया तो आप लोगों को दोस्तों सबसे पहले आपको साइबर सेल में complaint करनी है और Google play store को भी सूचना देनी है

रिंगलाइन लोन Ringline App Customer Review