Crazy loan app Review : Crazy loan Real Or Fake?
Crazy loan app Review : crazyloan app is a 7 days loan apps don’t apply on this loan app because they charge very high rate of interest and hack contact list and if you not able to pay loan amount on timely then they will call in your contact list and defaming you in front of your friends and family so don’t reply on this loan app if you want to know about full detail of this loan app then read this review carefully

Crazy loan app : Basic Features
- crazylon app has more than 50000 downloads
- It has 4.5 star rating and 3k reviews mostly paid and given by third party company
- Crazylon app gives rs 2000 to rs 200000 rupees loan amount
- Crazylon app tenure from 91 days to 365 days but in reality they don’t give any loan more than 7 days
- crazy loan app interest rates 30% of loan amount but they charge more than it
- crazy loan primary nbfc magenta financial private limited
- No upfront fees & No membership Fees
Crazy loan app : Eligibility and Documentation
- Applicants must be a indian Citizen
- Age be more than 18 year
- Applicats must have Aadhar Card for address Verification
- Applicats must have Pan card for CIBIL
- Monthly Source of income
- Active Bank Account for loan disbursement
Is Crazyloan loan app Real or Fake?
according to me crazy loan app is a fake loan app because they give only 7 days loan and they don’t have right to disperse loan because this loan is not authorised by any nbfc or RBI so we can say that this is a fake loan app. If you fall on the trap of this loan app don’t worry today I will tell you some important key points how to get rid from this loan app
Crazyloan app Complaint kaise kare ?
- if you wanna file complaint against crazy Loann app you should file complaint on cyber crime online it’s totally free
- If you fall on the trap of this loan app then you will have to tell your family and Friends about this loan app
- Tell your family and friends that this loan app hacked my phone and defeaming me and charging me a lot of money again and again so don’t trust on this loan app and complaint it