Squirrel loan app Review : Squirrel loan app Real or fake ?

Squirrel loan app Review : Squirrel loan app is 7 day loan app & Squirrel loan is unauthorised loan app because they give very high rate of interest loan. Squirrel loan app hack Your Data when you apply on this,Today I will tell You About This loan app Genuine Details like Actual tenure ,rates of interest , NBFC, hidden charges all things related to this loan app

Squirrel loan app Review

Squirrel loan app : Basic Features

  • Squirrel loan app loan amount from 2000₹ to 30,000₹
  • Plateform fees 3% of loan amount which Very High
  • Squirrel loan app Play Store download is more than 100k+ and 4.1 Rating
  • most of the download ,Rating and Review is Gained by advertising and Third party app
  • Squirrel loan app interest rates from 16% to 28% according to Play Store About Section
  • Squirrel loan app repayment Period from 91 day to 365 days but in Reality they Give only 7 day loan tenure
  • They can call in Your Contact list if you fail in Rapayment so don’t apply

Squirrel loan app Eligibility & Documents

  • Applicants must have a Indian National✔
  • applicants must over 18 year old
  • Applicants must have valid Aadhar Card for Address Proof
  • Applicants must have Pan card for CIBIL SCORE
  • Active Bank account For Disbursement of loan amount
  • Monthly Source of income

Is Squirrel loan app Real or Fake ?

According to me squirrel loan app is a fake loan app because it gives only 7 days loan app and according to Google policy any loan which gives loan in Play Store tenure never less than 62 days and annual rate of interest more than 36% because squirrel loan app don’t follow any guide line of Google Play Store that’s why this is unauthorised loan app please don’t take loan from this loan app

Can Squirrel loan app Hack Our Contact list ?

Can squirrel loan app Hack yiur contact list ? the answer is yes because Squarrel loan app 7 days loan app and any seven days loan app can hack your data and defaming you by calling your contact list and family member so don’t take any loan from 7 days loan app if you wanna feel safe secure and without harassment don’t take loan from

Top 25 Personal loan app RBI approved : Click Here

Crazy loan app Review : Crazy loan Real Or Fake?

Crazy loan app Review : crazyloan app is a 7 days loan apps don’t apply on this loan app because they charge very high rate of interest and hack contact list and if you not able to pay loan amount on timely then they will call in your contact list and defaming you in front of your friends and family so don’t reply on this loan app if you want to know about full detail of this loan app then read this review carefully

Crazyloan loan app Review
Crazyloan loan app Review

Crazy loan app : Basic Features

  • crazylon app has more than 50000 downloads
  • It has 4.5 star rating and 3k reviews mostly paid and given by third party company
  • Crazylon app gives rs 2000 to rs 200000 rupees loan amount
  • Crazylon app tenure from 91 days to 365 days but in reality they don’t give any loan more than 7 days
  • crazy loan app interest rates 30% of loan amount but they charge more than it
  • crazy loan primary nbfc magenta financial private limited
  • No upfront fees & No membership Fees

Crazy loan app : Eligibility and Documentation

  • Applicants must be a indian Citizen
  • Age be more than 18 year
  • Applicats must have Aadhar Card for address Verification
  • Applicats must have Pan card for CIBIL
  • Monthly Source of income
  • Active Bank Account for loan disbursement

Is Crazyloan loan app Real or Fake?

according to me crazy loan app is a fake loan app because they give only 7 days loan and they don’t have right to disperse loan because this loan is not authorised by any nbfc or RBI so we can say that this is a fake loan app. If you fall on the trap of this loan app don’t worry today I will tell you some important key points how to get rid from this loan app

Crazyloan app Complaint kaise kare ?

  • if you wanna file complaint against crazy Loann app you should file complaint on cyber crime online it’s totally free
  • If you fall on the trap of this loan app then you will have to tell your family and Friends about this loan app
  • Tell your family and friends that this loan app hacked my phone and defeaming me and charging me a lot of money again and again so don’t trust on this loan app and complaint it

Top 25 instant Personal loan app RBI REGISTERED : Know

Efficient loan app Review : Efficient loan Real or Fake ?

Efficient loan app Review : अगर आप भी Efficient loan app से लोन लेना चाहते है तो सावधान हो जाइए क्योंकि यह एक 7 दिन वाली लोन ऐप है ये लोन ऐप आपको 7 दिन का लोन बहुत ही ज्यादा ब्याज दरों पे देती है साथ में अगर आप थोड़ी भी देरी करते हो लोन का भुगतान करने में तो ये ऐप आपके कॉन्टैक्ट में कॉल करने धमकायेगी और असलील फोटोज भेजे जायेंगे इसलिए ऐसी लोन ऐप से लोन न ले अगर आपको बहुत जरूरत है पेसो की तो हम आपको RBI APPROVED LOAN APP के बारे में बताएंगे

Efficient loan app Review
efficient loan app review

Efficient loan app Basic Features

  • Efficient loan app के 1 लाख से भी ज्यादा डाउनलोड हो चुके है प्ले स्टोर में
  • रेटिंग की बात करे तो कुछ खास नहीं है केवल 2.2 स्टार की रेटिंग है जो की सही भी क्योंकि ये लोन ऐप भी फर्जी किस्म की है
  • Efficient loan app 5000₹ से 60,000 रुपए तक का लोन देने का दावा करती है लेकिन किसी को भी इतना बड़ा लोन पहली बार में नहीं मिलता पहले से 2 हजार का ही लोन देते है
  • लोन अवधि की बात करे तो 92 दिन से 365 का बताया है जो बिल्कुल ही गलत है ये सिर्फ 7 दिन का लोन देके लोगो को लूटती है
  • Efficient loan app आपके कॉन्टैक्ट का पूरा एक्सेस लेती है जिसका उपयोग ये बाद में लोन वसूली के लिए भी करती है

Efficient loan app Customers Reviews

Efficient loan Customer Reviews
Efficient loan Customer Reviews

Efficient loan app के जाल से कैसे बाहर आए ?

इसके जाल से आप बहुत ही आसानी से बाहर आ सकते है बस आपको अपने कॉन्टैक्ट वालो को समझना है ही मेरी कॉन्टैक्ट लिस्ट हैक कर ली गई कुछ application के द्वारा आपके पास कॉल आ सकता है तो उसको इग्नोर करे ,उसके बाद आपको इस लोन ऐप का 1₹ भी देने की जरूरत नहीं है क्योंकि ये काला धन है और न ही ऐसे लोन ऐप के जाल में फसे नही तो महंगा पड़ सकता है । इन लोन ऐप से परेशान होकर मेंटल स्ट्रेस न ले

Efficient loan app की शिकायत कैसे करें ?

  • अगर आप इस लोन ऐप के जाल से निकलना चाहते है और आप चाहते है की ऐसी लोन ऐप बंद हो जाते तो आपको साइबर क्राइम में एक शिकायत दर्ज करनी होगी
  • आप नजदीकी पुलिस थाने में भी जाकर शिकायत दर्ज करा सकते है बहुत ही आसान है एक कोरे कागज में अपनी समस्या लिख के जमा कर दे
  • और लोगो तक इस पोस्ट को शेयर करे ताकि इन लोन ऐप के बारे में लोगो को पता चले और लोग बच सके

भारत की टॉप 25 लोन ऐप से लोन ले : जानें

Rupee Empire loan app Review : Rupee Empire loan Real or Fake

Rupee Empire loan app Review : Rupee Empire loan app is 7 day loan app and charge very high rate of interest within 7 days today I will tell you about rupee Empire loan app completely you should read carefully this article because today I will tell you about this app with proof of their customers and we will tell you this loan app actual rate of interest and processing fees and other hidden charges and Rupee Empire loan app also hack your contact list and the defaming you in front of your family and friends by accessing your contact list so don’t apply

Rupee Empire loan app
  • is Rupee Empire loan RBI registered or not?
  • Is Rupee Empire loan app nbfc register or not?
  • Is Rupee Empire loan app can hack my contact list or not
  • Is Rupee Empire loan app 7 days loan app or not?
  • What I do if I fallen into Rupee Empire loan app trap?

Rupee Empire loan app : Basic Features

  • Rupee Empire loan app has more than 1 lakh Play Store download and majority of downloads comes from Google Play ad and Facebook ad
  • Rupee Empire has 3.2 star Play Store rating with 1k Reviews
  • Rupee Empire loan amount From 1000 rupee to 50,000 rupee
  • loan tenure of Rupee Empire loan app from 91 days to 365 day but in Reality they Give only 7 day loan app
  • Rupee Empire Primary NBFC :- Crown Future Stock Broker Pvt Ltd
  • Rupee Empire interest is 15% but that’s not true 100% they charge more than 50% of loan amount for 7 day
  • Service fee of rupee Empire is 0 according to their Play Store about sections

Rupee Empire loan app Eligibility and Documentation

  • ✔ Indian national is Required for Rupee Empire instant loans
  • ✔ Over the age of 18 or more than 18 for Rupee Empire instant loan
  • ✔ Steady monthly income
  • ✔ Should have a PAN Card as valid ID Proof
  • ✔ Should have an active bank account (for the amount disbursal

Rupee Empire app Customer Reviews

Rupee Empire app Customer Reviews
Rupee Empire app Customer Reviews
  • after watching customer reviews of rupee Empire loan app it is clear that this is 7 days loan app and they hack our data without our permissions so don’t install this loan app
  • Also they charge more than 50% of loan amount within a week and violet Google Play Store policy which is any loan app never give loan below 62 days
  • If you don’t able to pay loan on time then they will hack your contact and defaining you in front of your relative and family with more photos and blackmailing you with abusing language
  • If you fall in the trap of rupee Empire loan app then don’t worry you should not pay any loan amount of this loan app because this is illegal loan app

Rupee empire loan Complain process

  • if you fall in the trap of rupee Empire loan app then you should file a legal complaint on cyber crime online free
  • Also you can file complaint in your nearest police station with some evidences like harassment blackmailing and etc
  • Don’t take loan from any unauthorised loan app from Play Store
  • Always check critical reviews before applying any loan from any loan apps

Top 25 instant loan app in india : know more

Future Credit Loan App Review : Future Credit Real or Fake?

Future Credit loan app Review : Future Credit loan is Fake loan app they are Giving only 7 day loan and Charge very High Rate of Interest and Penalty and Hack your Contact lists If You want to take loan from this loan app Read Full article Carefully,Future Credit loan amount, interest rates, hidden charges, penalty, Customer Reviews

Future Credit loan app Review
Future Credit loan app Review

Future Credit instant loan Basic Details

  • FutureCredit loan app Has 4.9 star Rating Which is totally given by Fake Users for Manipulation
  • Future Credit loan app tenure 3month’s to 6 months according to About Section but In Reality it’s give only 7 day loan tenure
  • Maximum loan amount of Future Credit app is 60,000 but They never give more than 20,000₹
  • Daily interest rates of Future Credit app is 0.72% Which is totally fake they Charge very high interest rates and processing fees
  • Financial Partner (NBFC)
  • NBFC Given below which is not Verified
  • 1.Rajath Finance Limited

Future Credit loan Basic Features( According to play store)

  • 🇮🇳 Loans are at your fingertips, we have a 100% online loan application process
  • 🇮🇳 Loan repayment and account details available on your loan app
  • 🇮🇳 Online application and online repayment options
  • 🇮🇳 Affordable interest rates ( Not True )
  • 🇮🇳 Customer service for loan enquiry ( Not True )
  • 🇮🇳 Transfer balance to your bank account
  • 🇮🇳 Access your online loan anytime, anywhere
  • 🇮🇳 Online documentation and highest security standards ( No true they Can Hack Your Data)

ये जानें भारत की top 25 loan app जो लोन देती है तुरंत

Future Credit loan app Eligibility Criteria & Documentation

  • Applicants must a Indian Citizens
  • Applicants must have Aadhar card
  • Applicants must have pan card
  • Applicants must have monthly source of income

Future credit Loan app Customer Reviews

Future Credit lpan customer Reviews
Future credit loan app Customer Reviews
  • After watching Customer Reviews it is Clear that they Will Harass you in 6 days after loan taking and call in your contact list Defaming you
  • They give only 7 days loan means they are unauthorised and illegal app
  • Reduce ratings and reviews of this Fruad loan app

Future credit instant loan app Complain kaise kare

  • IF You fall in trap of this loan app don’t worry you don’t need to pay a single penny
  • You should file a complain on Cybercrime portal online
  • You can file Complaint in your nearest police stations also
  • Don’t take loan from 7 day loan app

RupayeKey loan app Review ,RupayeKey Loan Real or Fake?

Rupayekey loan app Review : It is Fake type of loan app they Will Give only 7 day loan and Charge Very High Interest Rates Don’t Apply If You want to take loan from NBFC Registered loan app Click for NBFC Registered loan app RupayeKey loan app may hack Your Personal data like Your Contact list and others Details

RupayeKey loan app Review
RupayeKey loan app Review

RupayeKey loan Basic Details : RupayeKey Real or Fake

  • RupayeKey loan has 100k+ Download And 4.5 Star Rating Which is Given by Fake users
  • RupayeKey loan app is 7 day loan app
  • According to about Section : Minimum loan amount 5000 and Maximum loan amount 30,000
  • RupayeKey loan app NBFC : Gaganbase Vincom Pvt Ltd but this NBFC not verified by us
  • RupayeKey loan is 14% interest rate but actually they charge very high interest rates
  • No hidden fees, transparent and clear fees
  • Rupayekey is Fake loan app

Rupayekey loan app Eligibility : Documentation

  1. Aadhar Card and Pan Card Required
  2. Applicants Age must be more than 20 year old
  3. Employed with stable Source of income
  4. Citizen of india

Rupayekey loan app Customer Reviews

RupayeKey loan app Customer Reviews
RupayeKey loan app Customer Reviews
  • After watching Customer Reviews it is clear that they Give only Small loan amount For 7 day and most of the Case they don’t give any loan only collect Personal data
  • They will threat you and hack your contact list
  • RupayeKey charge more than 40%- 50% of loan amounts

RupayeKey loan app complaint kaise kare ?

  • You Should File a Complaints in Cyber crime online
  • If You Fall in trap of loan app after watching Ads then You Should File complain in Consumer Forum
  • Also you can file complaint in Nearest Police Stations

ये भी जानें loan app के बारे में

Firmament Coin loan app Review :Real or Fake loan app

Firmament Coin loan app review : Firmament is Fake Type of loan app because they are giving only 6 day loans which Voilet Google Play Policy So Today I Will Give Complete Review of Firmament instant loan app with Customers Reviews and Data.If You want to take loan from this instant loan app You Should Follow our Review First,This loan app is advertising with Google and Facebook ads So You can fall in trap of loan app

Firmament Coin loan app Review
firmament loan app review
  • Firmament Coin loan app Genuine or Fraud ?
  • Is Firmament Coin app NBFC Registered or Not ?
  • Should I Take loan from Firmament coin loan app ?

Firmament Coin instant loan : Basic Features

  • Firmament loan app has 100k+ download mostly download comes from advertising
  • Firmament instant loan app has 4.8 star rating with 2k Review is Which totally paid most of the review given by non user of this loan app
  • Firmament app loan amount from 750₹ to 50,000 Which Copied from Branch loan app
  • Interest rates of this loan app 2% to 30% depend upon Customer profile but in reality they charge 40% to 50% APR IN 6 DAYS
  • Firmament app loan tenure :- minimum tenure 91 days and maximum tenure 120 days which is totally wrong they give on 6 day loan
  • Firmament loan NBFC anik Financial Services Which Not Verified

Firmament Coin loan app : Customers Reviews

Firmament loan app Customers Reviews
Firmament Coin loan app Customers Reviews
  • According to customer reviews they 500% interest per months which huge don’t take loan from this loan app
  • They are harassing you by calling in your contact and using edited photos which is a illegal activities
  • Their description is copied from another loan app like branch
  • They Hack your data

Firmament Coin loan complaint kaise kare : firmament Coin loan complain

  • If You want to file a Complaint against this loan app You Should File Complain in Cybercrime Portal online
  • You can also file Complain in your Nearest Police Station
  • Don’t Pay A single Penny of this Loan app Because They are using black money

Firmament Coin instant loan Eligibility Criteria

  • Aadhar card for Address Verification
  • Pan card for identity and credit score
  • Must have Active bank Account
  • Age must be 18 to 58 year
  • indian resident

Know about : Top 25 NBFC loan app in India

Freo Paylater Review, Freo Pay-Instant loan 0% interest 2022

Freo Paylater Review :- Freo Paylater one the Favourite Paylater of People Formerly Know As Chill pay & Currently Freo Paylater has more than 1 Million download in Playstore . Freo Paylater working on Buy Now and Pay After 30 Days at 0% Interest .You can shop anything upto limit of 6000

Freo Paylater app Review
Freo Paylater app Review

Freo Pay later app : Basic Details

  • Freo Pay Providing You buy now and pay later instant amount upto 6000
  • Freo Pay Repayment period is 30 Days
  • Freo Pay If You Pay your Usable Amount on timely Then you pay 0%
  • You can use this amount to pay both offline and online for purchasing by scanning QR Code
  • 100% Digital KYC and Approval time 5 minutes with no hidden Fees
  • Print ,scan and shop in any Store in india

How to use Freo App ?

  • ✓ Step 1 : Download and install Freo App – Click here to download
  • ✓ Step 2 : Register and Fill in the Required Information
  • ✓Step 3 : Your Amount will be Approved in minutes

Frequently Asked Questions Related to Freo Pay Later app

  • Q1 : How much amount Do I get From Freo App ?
  • Ans: instant approval for an amount Ranges between 500 to 6000 based on Your profile
  • Q2 : How much interest will I be charged for using Freo Pay
  • Ans: You Get ato Enjoy Your Freo Pay amount For 30 Day Interest free
  • Q3 : Can I send Money to my friend with Freo Pay
  • Ans : Yes you can use Freo Pay for peer to peer transaction
  • Q4 : Can I withdraw Money From Freo Pay
  • Ans : Yo can only use Freo for outgoing transaction
  • Q5 : NBFC & Lending partners of Freo Pay
  • Ans : lending Partners are lendbox ,Transactree technology private limited ,liquilons and Ndx Financial Service limited
Safety loan app Review Real Or Fake

Safety loan app is the biggest fraud app in playstore today I will tell you complete about safety loan app so read our full review on Safety loan app with Live Proof of customers of safety loan app . If You want to take Loan from RBI Authorised app then I will Give you Direct link ✅

Safety loan app review
Safety loan app

Safety loan app : Basic Details

  • Safety loan app 3000₹ – 2 Lakh Rupee ( Fake ) they give only Small Amount they never give more than 20,000₹
  • Safety loan app tenure :- 95 days – 365 days tenure Which is totally Wrong they give only 7 day loan
  • Safety loan app downloads more than 1 lakh
  • Safety loan app ratings which is 4.4 ⭐ which is paid by third party
  • Safety loan app primary NBFC is kothari Safe Deposite Pvt Ltd
  • Safety loan interest rates according to about Section 30% And Processing fees 5% -9%

Safety instant loan app Real or Fake ?

  • This is the fraud loan app which give fake description in play store
  • Safety loan app main purpose to collect Customer Data & and Hack their Contact
  • Blackmail for repayment and Harassment will continue after Repayment
  • safety loan is not safe for user
  • Safety loan gives you very short term loan or week loan which has very high charges don’t apply on this app

Safety loan app Customer review

Safety loan app Customer review

Safety loan app is a criminal loan app they are like money scammer . you Should Complaint on Cyber crime as well as nearest police Station And Don’t pay A single Penny of this type of loan app

  • Don’t Apply Any 7 days loan app for Data Safety
  • Please Read Critical Review of loan app before apply for a loan
  • Don’t trust on online loan app Advertising on social media
  • Don’t hesitate to complaints against loan apps
  • Don’t give your Kyc documents in unauthorised app or Website

लोन ऐप के जाल से कैसे बाहर आए यह पड़े

ElephantCash loan App Review : Real or Fake

ElephantCash loan app review देने से पहले में आपको बताना चाहूगा की आज के समय जितना आसानी से जो चीज मिल जाती है वो उतनी ही खतरनाक आपके लिए साबित हो सकती है उसका जीता जागता Example में देना वाला हु लेकिन उससे पहले हम। बात करने वाले है Elephant loan app के बारे में आइए हम जाने क्या देखना चाहिए Elephant loan app se loan लेते वक्त

Elephant loan app review
ElephantCash loan app review
  • क्या ElephantCash loan app एक रजिस्टर्ड लोन ऐप?
  • ElephantCash loan app कितना लोन देती है
  • ElephantCash loan app कितने समय का लोन देती है
  • ElephantCash loan app की ब्याज दर कितनी है
  • ElephantCash instant loan app से लोन लेना safe है या नही
  • क्या ElephantCash loan app आपका डाटा हैक कर सकती है

ElephantCash loan app : Basic Features

  • ElephantCash loan app केवल आपको 7 दिन का लोन देती है
  • इस लोन ऐप के रेटिंग की बात की जाए तो इसको 4 स्टार की रेटिंग और लगभग 1 हजार लोगो ने रिव्यू दिए है
  • ElephantCash loan app के अभी 1 लाख से ज्यादा डाउनलोड है
  • इस लोन ऐप के लोन अमाउंट की बात की जाए तो इससे आपको 1 हजार से 5 लाख तक लोन मिल सकता है ये लोन ऐप का कहना है
  • इसकी न्यूनतम समय अवधि की बात करे तो इसके 91 दिन का लोन मिल सकता है जोकि गलत है ये लोन ऐप केवल 7 दिन का लोन देती है
  • इस लोन ऐप ने कोई NBFC नही बता रखी है अपने About Section में

ElephantCash loan : Interest Rate & Charges

  • इस loan app के लोन अमाउंट की बात की जाए तो इससे आप 1हजार से 5 लाख तक का लोन ले सकते है
  • इस लोन ऐप से 24% ब्याज दर पे लोन मिल जाता है ऐसा इस लोन ऐप ने बता रखा है अपने About Section में
  • Elephant Cash loan app की 5% प्रोसेसिंग फीस है
  • Subscription fees 80₹
  • GST on processing fees

Elephantcash loan app : Eligibility & Documents

  • इस लोन ऐप से लोन लेने के लिए आपके पास आधार कार्ड होना चाहिए एड्रेस प्रूफ के तौर पे
  • इस लोन ऐप से लोन लेते वक्त आपके पास पैन कार्ड होना चाहिए
  • सोर्स ऑफ income
  • No CIBIL score required
  • No bank Statement required for this loan app

क्या इस लोन ऐप से लोन लेना Safe है ? कस्टमर रिव्यू

इक बंदे ने इस लोन ऐप से 10हजार का लोन लिया इसके खाते में केवल 6000₹ और उसके लोन ऐप्स में Show हो रहा 10हजार 7 दिन के अंदर चुकाने पड़ेगा इससे 2 चीज पता लगी पहली की इस बंदे ने जिस लोन ऐप से लोन लिया उसके बारे में अच्छे से जाना नही दूसरी उसने अपनी सारी परमिशन उस लोन ऐप को दे दी अगर अब वो लोन नहीं चुकाया तो उसके सारे कॉन्टैक्ट लिस्ट में कॉल करके बेज्जत किया जाएगा और डाटा बेचा जाएगा इस लिए हमने आपको शुरू में ही बताया था कि आसानी से मिलने वाली हर एक चीज सही नही होती है

50,000₹ तक का लोन 100% NBFC loan app से लेने के लिए क्लिक करें

7 days loan app के जाल से कैसे बाहर आए
